What is 'Ujjayi breath' and how to do it!

Breath is the most vital function of the body and if the breath is full and deep it can positively influence the functioning of every cell, and also healthy functioning of the brain. Ujjayi Breath  is a form of pranayama (breathing exercise ) in which student practices to extend the length and smoothness in each inhalation and exhalation (4:4 ratio) and creating a continuous hissing sound at the back of your throat .The aim is for the breath is to be equal with 3 Dementions -equal length,equal width and equal depth =FREE (diaphragm)  BREATHING. Making Ujjayi sound gives the mind something to focus on and helps the student to become more aware of the breath so when mind wonders it can be brought back to the present moment...

Here is a useful tutorial that demonstrates the correct way to do Ujjayi breath. https://youtu.be/oRb56apRa40