Putting Yoga Loft on the map: When international yoga teacher, Lucy Crawford spent the weekend with us

When international yoga teacher Lucy Crawford, who teaches across the globe, accepted my invitation to visit our wonderful Yoga Loft, in the small village of Burbage and host her three-day-weekend workshop for our students, I was very excited – to say the least. I’d attended a session of hers earlier this year and enjoyed it so much, I couldn’t wait to ask her whether she would be prepared to pass on her expertise and share her knowledge to some of our students.

Like me, Lucy specialises in the practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, so I was especially looking forward to not only expanding my own knowledge but watching her teach so many of my students.

Lucy’s ethos is to take an attentive and detailed approach to yoga, respecting each person and their need individually – this could not have been more evident across the weekend she spent with us. She spoke to every student and got to know them, as well as their bodies, to ensure each person got maximum use out of their session. Her ability to understand the human body and get to know each person individually, in such a short space of time, is not only a skill but admirable too.

As a teacher, it was amazing to spend time observing her. It really was wonderful to watch how Lucy worked with some of my students – some of whom I have taught for years now and seen improve so much over time – only to refine their yoga practice and poses further. It was clear, that her guide and support throughout each session improved their physical and anatomical knowledge, while extending their understanding of Ashtanga Yoga.

Participants had travelled from across all over the country to join us, including many students from Birmingham, who get taught by fellow Ashtanga teacher, Robin Aurora. Robin, who has been studying with Lucy for years now, joined us over the weekend, to lend Lucy an extra pair of hands.

The weekend workshop kicked off on Friday night by us waking up the body and a warm-welcoming meet-and-greet, before we took part in a two hour long led style class, which involved Lucy verbally guiding students through a sequence of poses. This session just whet our appetite for what was to come and left us anticipating what the rest of the weekend had to offer.

The following two morning, we enjoyed an assisted self-practice, where Lucy’s physical and verbal guidance helped students with correct alignment, while keeping a close eye on each of the students, offering one-to-one advice when needed. 

During the Saturday afternoon, we explored shoulder movement and correct shoulder support; something that seems like such a small detail but really can make the biggest difference when practicing yoga regularly.

The final session of the weekend took place on Sunday afternoon, with a restorative workshop, focusing on the stretching of the legs, in particular, the muscle in our leg called rectus femoris and its effect on our pelvis and spine. 

Of course, the weekend was completed with lots of yoga chat, making new yoga friends and celebrating the Yoga Loft’s third birthday with a cheeky slice of cake and glass of bubbles.

By the end of the weekend, I felt a cocktail of emotions; I was full of energy and excitement following the success of the past three days, while also feeling completely rejuvenated and restored, both physically and mentally. 

I can’t help but look up to Lucy. I know spending time with Lucy has had a very positive influence on my teaching and because of that, I’m already looking forward to spending two weeks at a yoga retreat with her in India. Not only that but I’m hoping to explore more opportunities to develop the relationship between Lucy and Yoga Loft. I’m extremely grateful to both Lucy and Robin for making the weekend happen.

Weekends like these put Yoga Loft and our Ashtanga Vinyasa classes on the map and they add an extra dimension to our already varied and fruitful timetable. I’ve had nothing but fantastic feedback from all of those who took part and I can’t wait to plan our 2020 session, perhaps it will be even longer next time – so watch this space!

If you can’t wait until then, remember we offer three Ashtanga Yoga assisted self-practice sessions at the Yoga Loft each week. These are suitable for anyone who has already learned the foundations of yoga and would like to understand the practice more deeply, as well as improve their knowledge of the mind, body connections. 

Visit yogaloftstudio.co.uk for more information.